Full Download SHORTISH HOMILIES FOR 2017/18 (YEAR B): Part 2: Trinity to Christ the King - Father James O'Kane file in PDF
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Shortish homilies for 2017/18 (year b): part 1: advent to pentecost [o'kane, father james] on amazon. Shortish homilies for 2017/18 (year b): part 1: advent to pentecost.
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One year ago, and that is not that long ago, we may remember what easter was like, or how we celebrated easter.
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A catechesis on the eucharist: john chapter 6 in the year of saint mark. Mark 13: 33- homily, and hopefully that, too, will show you the face of jesus christ as it opens up the gospel.
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Homilies for liturgical year 2017-18 click on any of the hyperlinks to download the homily for the date and speaker in question.
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